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Buckeye Express
Layout Tour Page

The Buckeye Express will feature nearly 25 local layouts with self-guided tours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday afternoons. Layouts will range from small switching layouts to basement behemoths and clubs. We are organizing these tours geographically to minimize travel.
We are also planning a Saturday tour of two unique railroad clubs in the Coshocton, Ohio area: The Mill Creek Central Railroad and A.M.R.E.C.'s Toledo, Walhonding Valley & Ohio Railroad.

Columbus Layout Tours

The self-guided layouts on Friday will be located on the west and southwest sides of Columbus, while Saturday's layouts are found on the central and eastern sides town.
The maps below provide generalized locations for each day. Specific layout descriptions and directions will be available in your registration packet when you arrive at the convention.

The maps were last updayed on January 28.

Friday Layout Map

Potential Friday Open House Locations

Saturday Layout Map

Potential Saturday Open House Locations

Sunday Layout Map

Potential Sunday Open House Locations

Coshocton Layout Tours

Join us on a tour of two unique railroad clubs in the Coshocton, Ohio, area: The Mill Creek Central Railroad and A.M.R.E.C.'s Toledo, Walhonding Valley & Ohio Railroad. This tour will depart the Convention Hotel on Saturday morning. Although this will be a self-guided tour, due to the nature of these visits and our hosts, there will be a strict timeline for the tour. More information will be provided in the Timetable supplied in your registration packet.

Whether you enjoy the smell of coal or a visit one of the largest layouts in Central Ohio, this tour is for you!

The Mill Creek Central RailRoad

The Mill Creek Central RailRoad (MCC) recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. The owner and founder, Dick McCloy, has recently incorporated the facility as the non-profit Central Ohio Area Live Steamers (COALS) to preserve Dick's goal of promoting the railroad and educating those who have an interest in railroading and to provide them a place to achieve those interests. The MCC features approximately 5 miles of 7.5-inch gauge track on 34 acres. Live steam, gasoline, hydraulic, and battery-electric powered locomotives traverse the Valley, Mountain, and Logging Divisions with grades up to 3%. The Logging Division features numerous switchbacks and the Mountain Division crosses a 155-foot-long trestle approximately 23 feet above the valley floor. Numerous tunnels have also been constructed to accommodate the hilly terrain. A large yard and engine servicing facility allow many locomotives and trains to run during three seasons of the year. Weather permitting, everyone can ride on one of the Divisions during our stop here.

Live Steam on the Mill Creek Railroad

Live Steam on the Mill Creek Railroad

Additional Photos

The A.M.R.E.C. Club

The A.M.R.E.C. Club recently celebrated the club's 53rd anniversary. They are located in a 50x150' building specifically built by them on the Coshocton County Fairgrounds. The layout presently occupies about two-thirds of the area. The 900=foot double-track main is hand-laid code 83, and there is an additional D&I single-track line of about 250 feet. One unique feature of this layout is the Armstrong 32-lever interlocking mechanism that was salvaged from Morgan Tower in Quincy, Ohio. It protected the DT&I's crossing of the NYC in Quincy. The area has been recreated on the layout, and the mechanism can control the model's signals and turnouts. The scenery is about 60% complete due to a recent expansion of the layout in recent years. The layout can be operated with DC or DCC power, and the club hosts operating sessions featuring long trains and plenty of mainline switching. The layout can be operated with DC or DCC power and the club hosts operating sessions featuring long trains and plenty of mainline switching. The club was featured in Model Railroader Magazine in July 2020, pages 39-45. Also, check out the 1:1 scale NKP caboose and PRR cabin car out front of their building during the visit.

Live Steam on the Mill Creek Railroad

A meet of two 100-car trains.

The Buckeye Express
A Mid Central Region Convention
presented by
The Buckeye Division (Division 6),
Mid Central Region,
The National Model Railroad Association, Inc.