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Buckeye Express
Clinic Page

Clinic Topics and Presenters

We are developing a full schedule for Prototype, Modeling, and Hands-On Special Interest Clinics. Many clinics have never been seen at MCR Conventions, and scheduling is still being developed. A partial list of topics and their presenters follows, presented alphabetically by the topic name. Clinics will be included as more information becomes available, so check back often.
The first clinics will begin at 1 pm on Thursday, and we will have three clinic rooms with several of the clinics be presented more than once so you won't have to pick between two of your favorites in the same slot.

No food or drink allowed in clinic rooms, contest room, or company store.
No video recording of any presentation without the express prior consent of the clinic presenter


*Grain Industry, Rick Brown
*Logging Railroads, Howdy Lambrecht, MMR®
*Making Static Gress Darrell Logan
*N&W Diorama, Rector
*Southeast Ohio Coal Fields RR Ops, Frank Bongiovanni
*Tools and Cricket Cutter for Modeling, Randy Allio

General Interest

*Age of Steam Roundhouse Update, Joe Herrick
*Heisey Glass Works, Newark, Elizabeth Bowman
*NMRA Contest Judging, Steve Zapytowski
*NMRA Contest Adminstration, Susan Werner
*Nucor Steel, Marion, Ben Swope
*Operations 101, Mike Wolf, MMR®
*Safe Railfanning: Operation Life Saver, Connie Logan

Extra Fare

* Hands on Modeling, Dick Briggs, Howdy Lambrecht, & Mike Wolf

Prototype Railroads

*B&O Newark Branch, Mid-Ohio RR, Michael Percy
*Canadian Pacific's Spiral Tunnels, Bob Baker
*The Cleveland and Marietta, Dan Adair
*Circus Trains, Jerry Severson
*Columbus Belt Railway (PC & Conrail), Steve Hipes
*East Broadtop Then & Now, Butch Sage
*The Flood of 1913 & Impact on the Railroads in Ohio, Bill Brubach
*Kingman Meat Packers & Railroads in Indianapolis, John Greedy
*Ohio River & Western (Narrow Gauge), Bill Logan
*Oil Fields & Railroads In SE Ohio, Greg Short
*Passenger Service on the C&O's Athens Branch, Jim Kehn
*N&W Water Treatment Plants, Matt Goodman


*Sound Systems for DCC Locos, JT Burke

If you are interested in presenting a clinic during The Buckeye Express Convention, please reach out to Greg Short at Greg Short

Clinic Room

A clinic room last year's Cleveland Convention.

The Buckeye Express
A Mid Central Region Convention
presented by
The Buckeye Division (Division 6),
Mid Central Region,
The National Model Railroad Association, Inc.