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Buckeye Express
Coshocton County
Tour Images Page

The following is a list of images for the current Extra Fare Coshocton County Van Tour activities.

The Mill Creek Central RailRoad

Riding the Mill Creek Railroad

Riding the Mill Creek Railroad

Riding the Mill Creek Railroad

Riding the Mill Creek Railroad

Riding the Mill Creek through a tunnel

A Mill Creek train approaching the yard


Mill Creek layout plan.

The A.M.R.E.C. Club

Two very long, passing trains

Two very long, passing trains

Working Armstrong machine

Working Armstrong machine

Caboose outside the club building

Caboose outside the club building

Caboose outside the club building

A.M.R.E.C. layout plan in 2010.

The Buckeye Express
A Mid Central Region Convention
presented by
The Buckeye Division (Division 6)
Mid Central Region
The National Model Railroad Association, Inc.