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Buckeye Express
Train Watching Page

Cook Road

Informal train-watching location that is a staple in the local community. This location overlooks the NS (PRR) Sandusky line and CSX (NYC) Burt line. These two lines swap sides a few miles north of Cook Road.

* Free
* 20 minutes from the Buckeye Express Convention hotel

Train Observation Station

Several miles north of Cook Road in Worthington, this location overlooks the NS (PRR) Sandusky line and CSX (NYC) Burt line but is closer to the convention hotel. Inside a B&O caboose, there is a small museum on-site.

* Free
* 15 minutes from the Buckeye Express Convention hotel
* Location: McCord Park, Worthingon
* More info:
Train Observation Station

Worthington Obervation Caboose

Marion Union Station

Marion Union Station (MUSA) is a well-known Central Ohio railfanning location. Surrounded by the NS (PRR) Sandusky on the east side, the CSX (NYC/Erie) on the north side, and CSX (C&O) on the west side, there is always activity. Inside the station is a selection of signals, interlocking machines, and model boards, many of which work. Outside is the (Atlantic Crossing) AC Tower, occasionally open for demonstrations. While you are at the depot, visit the Marion Model Railroad Club. Also in Marion is the Warren G Harding Presidential Museum and Memorial.

* 50 minutes from the Buckeye Express Convention hotel
* Location: 532 West Center Street, Marion
* Open Saturday 10a-4:30p.
Call ahead to arrange other hours for tours and visits.
* MUSA Admission: Donation
* More info:
Marion Union Station in Marion Attractions
* Facebook:
Marion Union Station Association

* Warren Harding Museum Admission: $16
* More info:
President Hardingial Sites

Worthington Obervation Caboose

The Buckeye Express
A Mid Central Region Convention
presented by
The Buckeye Division (Division 6)
Mid Central Region
The National Model Railroad Association, Inc.