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Buckeye Express
Malls and Outlets Page

The following is a partial list of local shopping Columbus visitors ask us about. We may add attractions as more information becomes available, so check back often.

Easton Town Center

Named the best retail center experience in the country from 2019 to 2022 by Chain Store Age Magazine, Easton Town Center is one of the Midwest's premier shopping, dining, and entertainment destinations with open-air town squares, fountains, and parks. With 240+ best-in-class businesses, Easton's unique village-like setting offers a broad assortment of big-name retailers like Tiffany & Co., Nordstrom, and Louis Vuitton that are a fashion guru's dream. Free garage parking.

* 20 minutes from the Buckeye Express Convention hotel
* More info:
Easton Town Center

Easton Town Center Logo


IKEA, which started as a tiny mail-order company in rural Sweden, has become a global home-furnishing brand that brings people affordability, design, and comfort worldwide. We may have come a long way since our humble beginnings, but our vision remains the same: to create a better everyday life for many people.
Given its large selection of storage items, some local division members consider IKEA a hobby store. Check out the RASKOG utility cart used for portable storage. It is great to have tools near you when working on the layout. And they have cinnamon rolls!

* 20 minutes from the Buckeye Express Convention hotel
* Location: 1900 IKEA Way, Columbus 43240
1 mile east of Polaris Fashion Center
* Open: Mon-Sat 10-9; Sun 10-8
* More info:


Polaris Fashion Place

Offering over 150 retailers, including anchors like Sak's Fifth Avenue, Von Maur, and Public Lands, and specialty retailers like Madewell, Swarovski, lululemon, Altar'd State, and The Spice & Tea Exchange, this indoor mall with an outdoor lifestyle center has something for everyone! After shopping, dine at first-class restaurants like Benihana, Cameron Mitchell's Molly Woo's and BRIO Tuscan Grille. Looking to meet up with friends? Stop by Dave & Buster's for a good time.

* 20 minutees from the Buckeye Express Convention hotel
* Location: 1500 Polaris Parkway, Columbus 43240
1 mile west of IKEA
* Phone: (614) 456-0120
* More info:
Polaris Fashion Place

Polaris Fashion PlaceLogo

Tanger Outlet

Shop outlets, shop Tanger! Experience incredible savings andÊhead-turning styleÊat more than 70 brand-name and designer stores. Shop with confidence, knowing you'll always find the best price at Tanger.

* 30 minutes from the Buckeye Express Convention hotel
* Location: 400 South Wilson Road, Sunbury 43074
* Open: 10-8
* Phone: (740) 965-2927
* More info:
Tanger Outlets

Tanger Logo

The Buckeye Express
A Mid Central Region Convention
presented by
The Buckeye Division (Division 6)
Mid Central Region
The National Model Railroad Association, Inc.